Friday, August 12, 2016

Why Subscribe to a Blog?

Many online users come across websites and within seconds someone is already asking for your email address and subscribe to this thing called a Blog??? So what is a blog and why is it important?  According to Merriam-Webster a blog is a website in which someone writes about personal opinions, activities and experiences. If you are still unclear, you are reading one.  So how does subscribing and getting updated blog content benefit truckers again?

In many blogs to include Florilli Transportation’s blog, ‘The Truckers Log’, real life stories, updates on trends, and information about the trucking industry are only a few subjects explained to readers.  Blogs can talk about a trucking company's employment qualifications, how to land a job and can even give updates on what’s important to those of us working in Transportation world. Want to know more about federal guidelines in carrying a firearm while being an OTR driver?  Big Load Blog gives you the facts about carrying firearms between different states and separates fact from fiction.  As many of us are aware laws changes from time to time. Law enforcement doesn’t care if didn’t get the updated regulations or memo and breaking the law unknowing isn’t an excuse. Meaning when you are coming down the hill and that same cop is sitting at the bottom clocking your speed. Just because you didn't see the posted speed limited sign or couldn't slow down. Chances are you will still get a ticket. 

Lastly, if you are searching for a good trucking company and looking to find out if they are as good as they claim to be, see if they have blog. Simply stated if a trucking company takes the time to educate and share the latest information with drivers and clearly communicates with them. Chances are they'll do the same when checking into your next orientation and while out on the open road. Haven't subscribed to Florilli's blog yet?  Look to right of your screen, enter your information under the contact form or connect with us on any of Social media channels and keep truckin. 

Connect with us on Facebook and as always we appreciate our drives and readers. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tired of Truck Stop Food? (FourSquare)

The world of downloadable social media sites and apps can be confusing at times. As of June 2016, there are approximately 2.2 million mobile apps at your disposal. When looking at what social media sites you may find useful, SmartInsight a marketing advice and data company suggests 50% of users ranging from 50-65 years of age use some form of social networking. Meaning baby boomers are social media friendly but where to start is an ambiguous process.

Focusing on what social media sites are trucker friendly, Four Square offers a unique tool for those racking up miles and thier appetite. FourSquare gives travelers/truckers a chance to find the hidden and tucked away gems while traveling across the country. You can also give other truckers the 411 on certain restaurants and leave reviews for others to read and enjoy.

If you’ve ran out of hours and tired of processed truck stop food. FourSquare gives you the chance to visit local and authentic food places. Want to grab some souvenirs for the family and kids besides the typical truck stop merchandise and you are sitting near or in Dallas Texas? Click here and explore from the beaten path.  If you are wondering where to sign up for this app called FourSquare, click here. Lastly, FlorilliTransportation understands truckers can’t always take their tractor/ trailer to a majority of locations and businesses in the US. Thankfully American’s have this awesome company called Uber. Click here and have them pick you up.  Excuses are like MVR’s, every trucker has one but some pay attention better than others. As always we appreciate our readers and drivers. ‘Keep Truckin”