Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Blue Birds tweet

Birds tweet when they talk and social media posts released on Twitter are referred to as Tweets.  Each tweet is only allowed 140 characters per post on Twitter Accounts.  So why should truckers care about some tweeting blue bird and social media posts no bigger than two sentences?  News, weather, road conditions and much more are posted in real time. The difference between getting your weather from the 5 o’clock forecast verses Twitter updates is the real time reports and current information. A lot can happen since yesterday at 5 pm.

What about the news? A case study conducted by (Rebekah DawnGiordano, 2014), 86.82% of tweets posted by those actually on location during the Boston Marathon Bombing (2013) were used by the media as their coverage and live updates.  A large percentage of information was unavailable to media and Twitter users with smart phones feed the American media and people the coverage.  Driving into a large metropolitan area and trying to guess if your route has been compromised or congested? Twitter is excellent for those on the move. You can also give other trucks the 411 on road conditions and news.

Lastly, Twitter offers leisure online browsing options such as sport updates of your favorite team, entertainment and technology.  You can even find other trucking companies posting job offers and opportunities. Unlike Facebook, you don’t have awkward friend requests but followers  and you can follow pretty much anyone. Don’t have a Twitter account? Sign up here and begin discovering while in back of sleeper cab.

Look for our next post in Florilli’s 5 part analysis of Social Media, ‘Link with LinkedIN’. Like us on Facebook and as always we appreciate our drivers and readers. 

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